Vitamin D3 levels in healthy people, including a group aged over 60, in relation to BMI
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Faculty of Medicine, University of Rzeszow, Poland
Subcarpathian Centre of Lung Diseases – Clinic of Pulmonology and Allergology, Rzeszow, Poland
Department of Hygiene of Nutrition and Epidemiology, Medical University, Lodz, Poland
Corresponding author
Sławomir Tokarski
Sławomir Tokarski MD PhD, ul. Rycerska 2, 35-241 Rzeszów, Poland
J Pre Clin Clin Res. 2017;11(1):25-29
Vitamin D plays a role not only in the remodeling of bone, but also in functions involving other organs. Its tissue availability depends on dermal synthesis and/or ingestion from diet, as well as on the amount of adipose tissue binding vitamin D into its cells. This study evaluates vitamin D concentrations in relation to body-mass index (BMI) in healthy people aged over 60 and living in the Subcarpathian Province of southeastern Poland. The study involved 246 participants – 172 women (69.9%), 74 men (31,1%), with an average age of 65.9 (±11.9). The mean concentrations of vitamin D, assessed with ECLIA method, was 18 ng/ml, which indicates a marked deficiency in vitamin D. Defined vitamin D deficiency (<20ng/ml) was noted in 62% of participants without any difference between males and females. There was no correlation between BMI and vitamin D deficiency in the studied group. The results suggest the need for vitamin supplementation in healthy people aged over 60 according to the guidelines
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