Treatment of lower limb trophic ulcers using hyperbaric oxygenation
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Department of Trauma Surgery and Emergency Medicine, Medical University, Lublin, Poland
Department of Internal Medicine, Medical University, Lublin, Poland
Corresponding author
Andrzej Prystupa   

Department of Internal Medicine, Medical University, Lublin, Poland
J Pre Clin Clin Res. 2014;8(1):44-47
Lower limb venous ulcers affect approximately 1–1.3% of the population and constitute the most dangerous and distressing complication related to chronic venous insufficiency. Although the issue of trophic ulcer pathogenesis remains unclear, it is beyond doubt that adequate oxygen delivery to the tissues is the key factor in wound healing. Recent technological advances allow the use of hyperbaric oxygenation in patients with hard-to-heal wounds.

The aim of this study is to present own results regarding the use of hyperbaric oxygenation in a group of 37 patients with lower limb trophic ulcers of vascular etiology, who were treated in the Clinic of Trauma Surgery and Emergency Medicine in Lublin.

Material and Methods:
The study involved 37 patients, 22 women and 15 men, aged 42–84 years, treated in the Clinic of Trauma Surgery and Emergency Medicine in Lublin in 2011–2012. The group treated in the Clinic included 30 patients with venous ulcers (the largest group) as well as 3 patients with arterial ulcers and 4 patients with mixed arterial/venous ulcers. Patients were referred for further treatment in the Hyperbaric Centre of the District Hospital in Łęczna. The treatment included 20–30 compression sessions at a pressure of 2.5 ATA 1.6 kg/cm in a HiperTech Zyron 12 Multiplace chamber. A single session lasted 90 minutes.

Hyperbaric chamber treatment resulted in complete wound healing in 22 patients (more than 59%). Partial wound healing (half of the surface area) was achieved in 13 patients (35%). Lack of wound healing was observed in 2 patients (5%) with arterial and mixed ulcers.
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