The use of oncolytic viruses in selected tumours
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Departament of Virology, Medical University of Lublin, Poland
J Pre Clin Clin Res. 2013;7(2):98-103
Neoplastic diseases are the leading cause of death among adults. Despite significant advances in pharmacotherapy, advanced radiotherapy and high level of oncology surgery still the effects of a treatment are too low. Doctors are trying to find new, effective methods to cure people suffering from cancer. The big hope for a breakthrough in the treatment of cancers is put in a oncolytic viruses therapy. Innovative approach to viruses, that are usually associated with a potential risk to health, gives a chance for a breakthrough in oncology. This article is an overview of studies that have used different oncolytic viruses. : :

State of knowledge:
Currently is doing a lot of research on the use of viruses in oncology. The mechanism of action of this method is to infect the tumour cells by the virus, replicating inside them and their lysis during the release of new virions. Additional advantages is the possibility to use in many types of cancer and regardless of clinical stage. Furthermore virotherapy may be combined with standard methods for achieving greater results.

The results of these studies demonstrate the high effectiveness of this therapy. A large force action is combined with low side-effects and the ability to connect it with other therapies.
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