The importance of health awareness during arterial hypertension treatment
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Health Care Institute, B. Markiewicz Public Technological-Economic High School, Jaroslaw, Poland
Faculty of Medicine, University of Rzeszow, Rzeszow, Poland
Department of Clinical Endoscopy, Institute of Rural Health, Lublin, Poland
Corresponding author
Anna Lewandowska   

Czarnieckiego 16, 37-500 Jarosław, Poland.
J Pre Clin Clin Res. 2012;6(1):42-44
The patient’s awareness of hypertension treatment is the factor that conditions non- pharmacological and pharmacological methods of treatment usage in everyday life. The aim of the research was evaluation of the acumen degree of patients within the range of suggested therapeutic activities, and analysis of the health behaviours of the patients. The research was conducted in the Health Care Centre in Jaroslaw, Poland, in 2011, and involved 46 patients suffering from high blood pressure, based on medical data analysis. Analysis of the patients’ source of knowledge about high blood pressure is significant to the point that the largest group among those examined (70%) had received the most information about their disease from health-care personnel. Half of the patients (50%) measured their blood pressure every day, 28% measured it twice a week, and 22% once a month. The most popular physical activities among the patients were: walking (70%) and cycling (30%). Among the patients, 93% knew the risk in the case of not curing the disease, 85% were aware of the usefulness of the documentation of blood pressure measurement; however, 46% of the patients kept a self-control diary unsystematically. Over a half of the examined (62%) identified the harmful influence of smoking on blood pressure, despite which 30% of them smoked cigarettes.
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