Introduction and objective:
Nowadays, osteoarthritis has become a civilization problem and is a frequent cause of disability in highly developed countries. The aim of the study is to assess the effect of relaxation of the pectineus muscle on the mobility of the hip joint during gait.

Material and methods:
32 patients with unilateral hip osteoarthritis were qualified to the study group and 30 healthy people to the control group. Each patient in the study group underwent a technique for inhibition of the pectineus muscle. Before and after 2 weeks and 6 therapies using the technique, measurement of mobility in the hip joint during gait was performed using the Noraxon MyoMotion inertial system, and groin pain witch VAS score.

The pectineus muscle inhibition had a significant (p = 0.0005) impact on decreasing maximal external rotation on average by 5.44°. An increase (p = 0.0018) of the maximal internal rotation, on average by 5.21° was also proved. The maximum extension was increased (p = 0.0079), on average by 3.42°. The total range of mobility in the sagittal plane improved (p = 0.0028), on average by 3.61°. In other movements, there was no statistically significant relationship. In VAS score, the pain of the hip decreased in the study group (p=0.0022).

The relaxation of the pectineus muscle has a positive effect on the degenerated hip joint function during gait. The pectineus muscle inhibition may be a useful technique used to treat patients with coxarthrosis.
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