Sexual Education from high school students’s view – results of own research
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Obstetrics, Gynecology and Gynecological-Obstetrical Nursing Unit
Diagnostic Techniques Unit, Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences, Medical University in Lublin, Poland
Corresponding author
Artur Wdowiak   

Diagnostic Techniques Unit, Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences, Medical University in Lublin, Poland
J Pre Clin Clin Res. 2014;8(2):103-108
Sexual education is still a non-defined area concerning sexual life of man. It is perceived differently depending on country and culture. In Poland, it should be implemented as part of “Family Life Education.”

The aim of the research is to present the opinion of male and female high school students concerning sexual education.

Materials and methods:
The research was conducted in 2014 on 450 high school students, male and female, in two rovinces – 225 students from the Stanislaw Konarski High School in Mielec (Podkarpackie province) and 225 surveyed at the Zbigniew Herbert High School in Lublin (Lubelskie province)

Close to half of the surveyed participates in “Family Life Education” (48%). Nearly a half of respondents (32% and 22.9%) is not satisfied with the class. Poor sides of the subject are observed by a vast majority of students (70%). Most of the youth (68.9%) wants to have a complex approach to the subject, which would be led by a medical specialist (68%).

Students state that sexual education as part of “Family Life Education” is not satisfactory. They demand a specialist, medical knowledge of human sexuality. Parents, who should constitute a major source of information, have a considerable influence in the sexual education of their children.
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