Recurrent Hemorrhage in the course of Mallory-Weiss Syndrome – Case Report
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Scientific Society of Students, Medical University, Lublin, Poland
Department of Internal Medicine, Medical University, Lublin, Poland
Corresponding author
Arun Prashar   

Samodzielny Publiczny Szpital Kliniczny Nr 1 w Lublinie, Klinika Chorób Wewnętrznych, Staszica 16, 20-081 Lublin, Poland
J Pre Clin Clin Res. 2011;5(2):77-79
A 46-year-old patient presented to the department with symptoms suggestive of an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis. The patient had a history of numerous afflictions associated with alcoholism, such as chronic pancreatitis, hepatic steatosis, erosive gastritis, duodenal ulcers, esophageal hiatal hernia, and Mallory-Weiss syndrome. This case reports on recurrent episodes of intractable hemorrhage in the course of Mallory-Weiss syndrome.
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