Mothers play a key role in ensuring the oral health of their children, They should have wide knowledge of both the risk factors for dental caries and methods of its prevention. Research conducted in Poland to-date indicates that pregnant women have inadequate knowledge of dental caries.

The aim of the study was to assess, on the basis of a questionnaire survey, pregnant women’s knowledge on the causes of dental caries and dental caries prophylaxis in relation to age, place of residence, education, trimester of pregnancy and having children.

Material and methods:
The study group consisted of 106 pregnant women who completed an anonymous online questionnaire. Based on the obtained answers, their knowledge was assessed. Data were statistically analysed by Student’s t-test, ANOVA and Spearman’s rank correlation test, p<0.05.

The respondents knew the etiological factors of dental caries and the role of fluoride in the prevention of this disease. However, 56.2% of respondents indicated that the amount of toothpaste used in children was not in line with expert recommendations. 95.3% of women were aware of the need for dental consultation during pregnancy, but only half knew when the first visit to the dentist should take place. Pregnant women did not know what an early carious lesion looks like. Statistical analysis showed a positive correlation between the number of correct answers and already having children (p=0.016, r=0.2305).

The women surveyed had a satisfactory level of knowledge on the causes and prevention of dental caries in children, but the education of future mothers is still necessary. Those with offspring had higher awareness than with the first born.
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