Introduction and objective:
Mastectomy of the breast gland is a surgical procedure. It is one of the basic methods of treating breast cancer with stage I to III. Only in the case of stage IV cancer, it is not the basic method of treatment. Amputation of the breast gland is being used when the ongoing cancer process has affected more than one of the quarters of the breast. During this procedure, the wart and its areola are also removed, with the surrounding tissues (muscle fascia, lymph nodes, pectoral muscle). The aim of this study is to show different types of post-mastectomy breast reconstruction with their advantages and disadvantages

Review methods:
All relevant publications were retrieved from PubMed databases with the keywords including: “breast cancer”, “mastectomy”, “breast reconstruction”, “Post-mastectomy breast reconstruction”, “implant-based reconstruction”, “Fat Grafting reconstruction”, “Flaps based reconstruction”. The literature which was reviewed came from the last 10 years on methods of breast reconstruction after the mastectomy procedure.

Abbreviated description of the state of knowledge:
Statistics regarding breast cancer surgery procedures can vary based on factors such as geographic location, access to healthcare, advancements in medical technology, and individual patient preferences. However, some general trends and statistics regarding breast cancer surgery procedures include: BCS vs. Mastectomy: In recent years, lumpectomy (breast-conserving surgery) has become increasingly common, particularly for early-stage breast cancer. However, mastectomy rates vary depending on factors such as tumor size, tumor location, patient preference, and medical recommendations.

Nowadays there are many methods including: implant-based reconstruction, fat grafting reconstruction, flapsbased reconstruction.
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