Physician’s participation in clinical research – a questionnaire study
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Dasmesh Institute of Research & Dental Sciences (DIRDS), Faridkot, Punjab, India
Guru Gobind Singh Medical College and Hospital (GGSMCH), Faridkot, Punjab, India
Adesh Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Bathinda
Corresponding author
Ravinder Nath Bansal   

GGSMCH, medical campus, faridkot, chandigarh, Faridkot, India
J Pre Clin Clin Res. 2019;13(2):67-71
For a physician, participation in research is very important. It is estimated that 20–30% of global clinical trials are being conducted in developing countries and expanding rapidly due to better accessibility of abundant, diverse group of population, rich manpower, periodical amendments and implementation of rules by regulatory authorities.

The aim of the study was to elucidate the current knowledge of undergraduate and postgraduate medical students in clinical research.

Materials and method:
This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted at two medical institutes of Punjab in India The study population comprised of 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year students, interns and postgraduate medical students. The]study questionnaire was divided into questions based on the concept of preclinical studies, clinical trials, drug development process and case report forms (CRF). The Cronbach’s alpha values (measure of internal consistency) of the level of knowledge for preclinical studies, clinical trials, drug development process and CRF were 0.78, 0.79, 0.91 and 0.98, respectively. Data was presented using frequencies, i.e. mean, standard deviation and knowledge was analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by post hoc Tukey’s test. P value ≤ 0.05 was considered significant and p-value ≤ 0.005 was considered highly significant.

Knowledge of various parameters (preclinical studies, clinical trials and drug development process) among both colleges was found to be statistically significant (p<0.005), and medical students of the private Institute possessed higher mean knowledge than that of the government Institute.

Institutes must take the necessary steps to develop widespread awareness among students about clinical research. Motivation should be carried out for students to participate in clinical research. This would make India a pioneer in global research and development. Research methodology should be incorporated in the teaching curriculum in order to allocate specific time for research
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