Physical activity in perimenopausal women
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Department of Applied Psychology, Medical University, Lublin, Poland
Corresponding author
Marta Makara-Studzińska   

Chodzki 15, 20-092 Lublin, Poland
J Pre Clin Clin Res. 2015;9(1):48-53
The menopausal age of women is characterized by a high probability of health problems related with oestrogen deficiency and reduced ovarian hormonal activity. The most significant element in the therapy of the menopausal problems is to take part in physical activity on at least a moderate level, which is sufficient to maintain health.

To investigate the effect of physical activity on the severity of the symptoms of menopause and body mass index BMI, which can decisively influence menopause.

Material and Methods:
A group of respondents consisting of 210 women aged between 45–65 who were not using hormone replacement therapy, and staying at a rehabilitation centre. The study was conducted in 2013–2014 in the provinces of Silesia, Podlasie and Malopolska. Research tools consisted of a self-designed survey questionnaire and the Menopause Rating Scale (MRS).

Mean BMI indicated overweight of the women and their infrequency and low level participation in physical activity. The intensity of menopausal symptoms increased with BMI, and low physical activity of the respondents decreased with age. Increase in the intensity of physical activity decreased the severity of symptoms characteristic for menopausal age.

Physical activity can play an important role in reducing menopausal symptoms and preventing the most frequently occurring diseases of menopausal age.
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