Penetrating eye injuries- case description
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Department of Health Sciences, Faculty of Mecidine and Health Sciences, Collegium Medicum, Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Academy, Kraków, Poland
Clinical Opthalmology Department, Section ‘A’, Provincial Opthalmological Hospital, Kraków, Poland
Corresponding author
Natalie Papachristoforou
Faculty of Mecidine and Health Sciences, Collegium Medicum, Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Academy, Krakow, Poland.
J Pre Clin Clin Res. 2024;18(3):185-189
According to 2023 statistics in the United States, penetrating eye injuries are not infrequent. Mishandling a penetrating eye injury can lead to irreversible blindness of the the patient. Therefore, proper response from doctors and prompt surgical intervention with a well-planned procedure is necessary. Two cases of penetrating eye injuries that occurred in young men are presented. Due to the implemented treatment, both patients regained full visual acuity.
Case Reports:
In the first case, a 27-year-old male presented with a penetrating injury to his left eyeball. treatment involved vitrectomy, laser coagulation of the retina, and injection of gas into the vitreous chamber. In the next case, a 32-year-old male was admitted to hospital with a penetrating injury to his right eyeball and vitreous haemorrhage. An emergency posterior vitrectomy was performed with removal of the foreign body.
Scientific evidence proves vitrectomy to be the optimal procedure for penetrating eye injuries
Papachristoforou N, Kocjan A, Alsoubie I, Smyk J, Kamińska A, Kozak M, Pawlicka I, Piskorz A. Penetrating eye injuries – case description. J Pre-Clin Clin Res. 2024; 18(3): 185–189. doi: 10.26444/jpccr/190536
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