Participation of gastrointestinal microbiome in the pathogenesis and symptoms of autism according to the theory of brain-intestinal axis interaction
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Department of Health, Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Biala Podlaska, Poland
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Aneta Marta Stanisławek   

Department of Health, Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Biala Podlaska, Sidorska 95/97, 21-500 Biala Podlaska, POLAND, e-mail: contact number: +48 606 455 263
J Pre Clin Clin Res. 2017;11(2):153-156
Autism is a disorder involving a number of symptoms. It is included in the overall development disorders. The disease is characterized by spreading and progressive behavioral disorders, usually manifesting in early childhood and continuing also through adulthood. Epidemiological data emphasize the importance of the problem and the need to develop studies using modern molecular methods and next-generation sequencing techniques. Conducted in the 1960’s, the first epidemiological studies on autism stated 4-6 per 10,000, in the 1990’s – 10-20 per 10,000. Latest indexes show that child autism and Asperger syndrome affect 1 in 38 children. Recently there have been publications about a detailed study of intestinal microflora in children with autism, showing differences in the spectrum of microorganisms in sick and healthy children. One of the most striking discoveries is the fact that functions of the intestinal microflora and functions of the brain are connected. Therefore, it is possible that microbiome may influence a person’s behavior and mental health. In the past, the impact of intestinal microflora on the development of autism was ignored, but it is important. Digestive tract disorders occurring in children with autism can have various nature and location. As of now, a single autism-specific digestive tract pathology cannot be claimed to exist. As in elimination diets, treatment should be conducted on an individual basis.
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