Occurrence of depression and anxiety disorders according to the period of abstinence in patients addicted to gambling and alcohol
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Independent Laboratory of Mental Health, Medical University, Lublin, Poland
24-Hour Ward for Alcohol Abuse Treatment, Prof. Kaczyński Neuropsychiatric Hospital, Lublin, Poland
Department of Psychiatry, Medical University, Lublin, Poland
Corresponding author
Aneta Pyłypczuk   

Pyłypczuk, Neuropsychiatric Hospital, Abramowicka 2, 20-442 Lublin, Poland, tel.: +48 504-183-706.
J Pre Clin Clin Res. 2011;5(1):28-30
Psychiatric disorders are widely prevalent worldwide, and addictions to psychoactive substances have been dominant until recently, while increasingly more often there occur activity-addictions, e.g. to gambling. Concomitant mental disorders may contribute to the persistence of problems associated with addictions. The objective of the study was evaluation of the occurrence of depressive and anxiety disorders with respect to the period of abstinence, in 3 groups of addicts.

Material and Methods:
The study covered a group of 101 individuals addicted to alcohol and gambling, and conducted during the period from November 2010 – April 2011. The Hamilton Anxiety and Depression Rating Scales and Depression Anxiety and Stress Scales (DASS-42) were used, and a questionnaire form designed by the author applied.

Analysis showed that the time of abstinence was the longest in the group of gambling addicts, while it was the shortest among patients addicted to alcohol. Examination by means of the DASS-42 Scale confirmed the presence of depression in 71.05% of patients in Group I - patients addicted to alcohol; 87.10% in Group II - patients addicted to alcohol concomitant with gambling, and 75% in Group III - patients addicted to gambling only. Anxiety disorders were observed in 81.58% of patients in Group I, 64.52% in Group II, and 53.13% in Group III. The results obtained in the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale showed that depression occurred in 60.53% of patients in Group I, 74.19% in Group II, and 78.12% in Group III, whereas anxiety was noted in 23.68% of respondents in Group I, 41.94% in Group II, and 28.12% in Group III.

It was concluded that depression occurred most frequently in the group of patients addicted to gambling, where the time of abstinence was the longest; both depression and anxiety disorders occurred most rarely in the group of patients addicted to alcohol, where the time of abstinence was the shortest; and anxiety disorders were most frequently observed in the case of concomitant alcohol and gambling dependence, or addiction to gambling only.
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