Maxillofacial trauma in relation to patients’ sobriety – a one-year epidemiological analysis
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University Department of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery in Lublin
Corresponding author
Anna Gawęda   

ul. Poznańska, 20-731 Lublin, Poland
J Pre Clin Clin Res. 2014;8(1):17-22
The maxillofacial skeleton protects the areas particularly susceptible to injuries. Maxillofacial fractures occur when the force of an injury exceeds the biomechanical bone tolerance. Excessive alcohol consumption evokes violence, brutality and assault and other harmful human behaviour. Alcohol abuse seems to be crucial in evoking situations resulting in severe maxillofacial traumas or permanent disability.

The aim of the study was an epidemiological analysis of patients admitted to hospital to Chair and Clinic of Maxillofacial Surgery in Medical University of Lublin in 2011 due to facial traumas. This study discusses the association between alcohol consumption and maxillofacial trauma.

Material and Methods:
The research group constituted 226 patients admitted to hospital due to facial trauma in 2011. The following factors were considered in the study: patients’ age, cause of trauma, place of residence, and alcohol consumption prior to the trauma.

It was observed that 53% of the patients underwent maxillofacial trauma while under the influence of alcohol. Its consumption was significant in the analysis of gender, age, cause of trauma, and the place of residence of patients with maxillofacial trauma examined within one year.
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