Is congenital toxoplasmosis still an important clinical problem?
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Medical University of Lublin
Umm Al-Qura university, Makkah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Adventist Hansdale Hospital, Hindsale Illinois, USA
Corresponding author
Ali Joman Alghamdi   

Medical University of Lublin, leszczynskigo 15A/9, 20069 lublin, Poland
J Pre Clin Clin Res. 2017;11(2):167-170
Congenital toxoplasmosis is one of the most common intrauterine inherited diseases. The risk and severity of infection depends on the time of transmission during pregnancy. The earlier the infection, the lower the risk of transmission but with serious estimated outcomes and vice versa.

Case Report:
A newborn with congenital toxoplasmosis was born to a mother who was seronegative at the beginning of pregnancy, and was not aware of toxoplasmosis risk factors during pregnancy. The newborn was born with features of small for gestational age and with intracranial calcification revealed in cranial ultrasonography, which emphasized the need for further investigations. Neonatal serological panel and cerebrospinal fluid analysis were both confirmative of congenital toxoplasmosis. Ophthalmological examination showed the typical whitish focus of retinochoroiditis which later led to a blindness in one eye. Additionally, hydrocephalus was progressing slowly until it became stable in 5 months.

The aim of this study was to present the case of congenital toxoplasmosis in order to underline the lack of social awareness concerning risk factors in pregnant women. Thus, educational campaigns against the consumption of raw meat and unpasteurized milk while pregnant may prevent the recurrence of such cases. Moreover, proper washing of fruits and vegetables are advised in this respect.
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