Introduction and objective:
Intraosseous schwannoma is a neoplasm originating from Schwann cells of nerve sheath. It is mostly located in mandible, maxilla or sacrum, but there are cases of upper limb location. The aim of the review is to summarize current knowledge about intraosseous schwannomas located in the upper extremity.

Review methods:
The review is based on scientific publications available in PubMed, Wiley Library, Embase, Web of Science, Google Scholar and NCBI databases. After evaluation of articles’ abstracts, papers were selected and analyzed, considering the references cited.

Brief description of the state of knowledge.:
Intraosseous schwannoma of the upper limb is relatively rare, but there are cases in literature involving the ulna, radius, humerus, hamate, metacarpals and phalanxes. Diagnostic methods include classic radiology, computed tomography, bone scan and magnetic resonance imaging. Final diagnosis is made based on histopathological image and microscopic evaluation. Treatment methods are surgical excision, curettage and bone allografting. Recurrence is typically connected with incomplete resection. In cases of total excision, recurrence is rare.

Intraosseous schwannoma may lead to pathological fracture and it is important to take this into consideration during the diagnostic process. Treatment of choice is complete removal of the lesion, in some patients followed by bone grafting or cementing. Recurrence rates are lo, if the excision is total. Due to the rare localization in the upper limb, research on intraosseous schwannoma in this area needs to be extended.
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