Influence of phototherapy on sensorimotor excitability of healthy muscle
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Department Institute of Physiotherapy, Medical University of Rzeszow, Poland
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Aneta Weres   

Department Institute of Physiotherapy, Medical University of Rzeszow, Warszawska 26A, 35-205 Rzeszów, Poland
J Pre Clin Clin Res. 2016;10(1):23-27
The aim of this study is to assess the influence of laser irradiation and incoherent infrared radiation on sensorimotor excitability and muscle pain after a workout. The research was carried out on 40 healthy volunteers who were randomly divided into four groups. A single phototherapy treatment, preceded by the triceps calf muscle workout, was applied in all the groups. Group 1: low-level laser therapy (LLLT), group 2: high-intensity laser therapy(HILT), group 3: infrared radiation (IR), group 4: placebo was applied. The electrodiagnostic examination was performed on the first day, before a workout and irradiation, as well as 48 hours after the workout. Moreover, pain intensity assessment (VAS) was performed 24 and 48 hours after workouts. A statistically significant increase in the average threshold limit value of accommodation after a workout was observed in the IR group, in contrast to the HILT group, in which a decrease in the average threshold limit value of accommodation was observed. In the IR and LLLT groups, the value of rheobase increased. A statistically significant decrease in pain was observed in the LLLT and IR groups. The post-exercise irradiation with LLLT and incoherent IR influenced a decrease in sensorimotor excitability and decrease in pain of the muscle after a workout.
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