Introduction and objective:
Hyperdontia is a dental developmental anomaly in which supernumerary teeth exist. These are extra teeth to the normal set of primary or permanent dentitions. This article reviews the current literature on hyperdontia in the permanent dentition.

Material and Methods:
A thorough literature search was carried out using Scopus, PubMed, and Google Scholar databases. Results were reviewed, prioritized, and findings compiled. The key words of the search strategy were: prevalence, case reports, supernumerary, supplemental, distomolars, forth molars, paramolars, parapremolars, mesiodens, and supernumerary lateral incisors. Only articles in English published in peer-reviewed journals were included.

Brief description of the state of knowledge:
The prevalence of supernumerary teeth varies between and within different populations. They may cause various aesthetic, occlusal, and functional complications and often require an interdisciplinary intervention. Familiarity with such anomalies is essential for the dental practitioner. Recognition and correct identification of the anomaly is important when communicating with other dental team members, especially in the case of a referral to or from another dental office. Moreover, understanding the anomaly is an important factor in determining the course of treatment, if any.

It is hoped that this review will provide dental practitioners with an update on the classification, characteristics, and prevalence figures for each type of supernumerary tooth.
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