Healthcare management of elderly patients with complex needs in an Accident and Emergency (A&E) department, minor treatment area
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Senior Lecturer, Division of Physiology, Faculty of Health, Birmingham City University, 704 Baker Building, Franchise Street, Perry Barr, Birmingham B42 2SU, UK
Principal Lecturer, Division of Heath Policy & Public Health, Department of Community Health and Social Work, Faculty of Health, 713 Baker Building, Birmingham B42 2SU, UK
Corresponding author
Ross Cooper   

Division of Physiology, Faculty of Health, Birmingham City University, 704 Baker Building, Franchise Street, Perry Barr, Birmingham B42 2SU, UK.
J Pre Clin Clin Res. 2008;2(2):102-105
The current paper proposes a unique and novel model for the development of clinical leadership in practice in order to achieve continuous improvements in healthcare delivery. This model will enable the leader to be innovative and move from being a traditionalist by focusing on operational issues to becoming a champion of change. Using a unique and novel 9-C paradigm shift we propose the inter-twined aspects of important clinical leadership in practice of elderly patients. We suggest a personalised view of medicine that promotes for patients individualised solutions based on whole-systems thinking. A theme of clinical coordination that inspires patients’ confidence, sets and maintains high standards of care, ensures consistency of care, resolves clinical issues, communicates with multidisciplinary teams, establishes a role model for the team, ensures delivery of safe and effective care, monitors quality of care and responds to patients concerns and acts upon them. Perhaps an innovative approach to personalised patient care would also include the use of ‘smart’ rooms to facilitate the alleviation of stress and be connected via robot technology that suggests scenes, music or activities for patients waiting to be seen.
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