Features of the first alcohol test – subsequent attitude of 6 th year students at the State Medical University in Grodno, Belarus
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Grodno State Medical University Grodno, Belarus
High Professional School named by Jana Pawła II, Biała Podlaska, Poland
Polish Society of Social Medicine and Public Health, Poland
Department for Health Problems of Ageing, Institute of Rural Health in Lublin, Poland
Corresponding author
Sławomir Ćwikła   

ul. Gen. B. Ducha 28, 20-817 Lublin, Poland
J Pre Clin Clin Res. 2014;8(1):38-40
To clarify the mechanism of initiation of young people to alcohol, determine what factors influence this process, and identify the particular attitude to alcohol at a young age.

Material and Methods:
188 graduates of the medical university were interviewed in 2010. A questionnaire was developed in the Department of Social Medicine at the Karol Marcinkowski University of Medicine in Poznań, Poland: Kwestionariusz ankiety dotyczacej konsumpcji napojow alkoholowych i aktywnosci fizycznej’ (2006).

It was found that 97.6% of students consciously drink alcohol. The average age of first use of alcohol was 15,4±0,48. Most young people have consumed alcohol for the first time (more beer, champagne, wine) in a club (disco) and at home (at a family celebration). Most often, respondents (46.4%) have tried alcohol on their own initiative at a family celebration. About 7.14% of students regretted drinking alcohol for the first time (from shame, quarrels with parents, physiological discomfort). 92.86% did not have feelings of regret because, in most cases, the first sample of the alcohol did not cause any reaction from parents or other relatives. 84.52% had used alcohol in the last 30 days: beer – 36.9%, wine – for 33.3%, and vodka – 28.6%. One-third had used alcohol once or twice in the last month, 16.67%-twice a week, 13.1% – one day a week. On the question of the causes of alcohol use, half of students responded: ‘to relax’ or ‘family holidays’; every fifth – ‘for the company’, one in ten ‘in response to good toast’ or simply because ‘I like it’. The most common negative result of alcohol consumption (almost every fourth) was because of smoking. Lapses in memory after alcohol were noted in 20 (23%) of students, actions provoked by alcohol and subsequently regretted were stated by 17.86% of respondents. One third of the students regret that they ever drank. Although two-thirds thought about the effects of alcohol, only a quarter limit its use. Application area: the results obtained are the basis for the development and introduction of measures of prophylaxis, for the attachment of alcohol among young people, first of all – work with the family, as well as educational work in schools, colleges and universities. Degree of introduction: the results were presented at a scientific conference in Grodno and introduced into the educational process at the Department of Public Health and Health Care. As a result of the study, talks were conducted with the students on the theme ‘Bad Habits in Modern Society’.
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