Exogenous dietary factors as important modulator of human lipid profile
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Faculty of Pharmacy with Division of Laboratory Diagnostics, Department of Laboratory Diagnostics, Medical University, Wroclaw, Poland
Faculty of Pharmacy with Division of Laboratory Diagnostics, Diagnostics Laboratory for Teaching and Research, Medical University, Wroclaw, Poland
Faculty of Pharmacy with Division of Laboratory Diagnostics, Department of Toxicology, Medical University, Wroclaw, Poland
Corresponding author
Lilla Pawlik-Sobecka   

Wroclaw Medical University Faculty of Pharmacy with Division of Laboratory Diagnostics Department of Laboratory Diagnostics, ul. Borowska 211A, 50-556, Wrocław, Poland
J Pre Clin Clin Res. 2019;13(2):83-91
Estimation of lipid profile parameters in blood is an important element in the diagnosis of metabolic diseases, especially for evaluation of the whole state of health and identification of risk factors of civilization diseases. Exogenous dietary factors have great influence on laboratory lipid parameters, and improper nutrition habits or application of different diets can change the lipid profile. This is important in making clinical decisions by the doctor. Knowledge of associations between lipid profiles and exogenous factors derived from diets is still incomplete and underestimated.

The aim of this review is analysis of the role of the most popular diets, as an exogenous factor influencing the human lipid profile. Additionally, the role of the appropriate preparation of patients for laboratory examination of lipid profile is demonstrated.

State of knowledge:
The most popular diets taken into account were high-fat, vegetarian, Mediterranean, and high-fibre, as well as diets based on low or high glycaemic index. The most negative effect on the all lipid profile parameters is connected with nutritional factors derived from the high glycaemic index diet. The most positive effect demonstrates an appropriate balanced diet, such the vegetarian and Mediterranean diets, which can significantly improve lipid profile parameters.

Awareness of the influence of exogenous factors derived from diet as an important modulator of human lipid profile is very important in medicine for undertaking an appropriate therapeutic decision. Adequate preparation of patients for laboratory examination and their education in this field is important and still needed.
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