Evaluation of acute low back pain in women after treatment with interferential current
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Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, Brazil
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Gladson Ricardo Flor Bertolini   

Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, Rua Universitária, 2069., 85819110, Cascavel, Brazil
J Pre Clin Clin Res. 2019;13(2):57-60
Introduction and objectives.:
Low back pain has become one of the major public health problems worldwide. Treatment is by the use of analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, but it must be taken into account that these have side-effects. Therefore, non-pharmacological therapies may be beneficial in patients at greater risk of developing chronic pain and disability, aiming to decrease pain. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of the Interferential current in women with acute low back pain.

Material and methods:
The study included female patients, aged 18 – 35 years, who had acute low back pain. The Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) of Pain and the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) were used for evaluation. The patients received Interferential current in the bipolar form, the parameters were base current of 2 kHz, AMF 50 Hz, which was performed for 20 minutes daily, for 3 non-consecutive days in the week, for 4 weeks, totaling 12 therapies.

For evaluation of pain intensity, no difference was observed in the control group with a small effect size, but the treated group had a large effect size. For the ODI, comparison within the group showed no difference for the control group, but there was a decrease in the values for the treated group.

It was found that the Interferential current was effective in the reduction of acute low back pain and functional improvement.
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