Etiopathogenesis of midfacial fractures in patients treated at Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic , Medical University of Lublin in 2007–2011
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Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic, Medical University of Lublin, Poland
Corresponding author
Jolanta Wojciechowicz   

Wyżynna 17/46, 20-560 Lublin, Poland
J Pre Clin Clin Res. 2013;7(1):43-47
With the growing industrialization and the increasingly rapid pace of life the number and variety of injuries are growing higher. In the midst of injuries, the midfacial injuries constitute a considerable part and pose a huge therapeutic challenge. The presence of life sustaining organs in the area of midfacial injuries require use of modern surgical and diagnostic methods and practices implemented by multi-specialty operative teams.

The purpose of the work is the analysis of clinical documentation of patients who had been treated in 2007 – 2011 at Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic, Medical University of Lublin due to midfacial injury.

Material and Methods:
A subject of the analysis is a group of 424 patients examined at Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic, Medical University of Lublin in the years 2007–2011 due to midfacial injury. Medical documentation in the form of case history and radiological images were analyzed and reported in a special form of Microsoft Excel Program. Wanyjura’s classification of fracture was used in the study. The most common reasons of midfacial fractures are batteries and traffic accidents. Men aged 20 to 40 years old prevailed among all patients. The number of surgically treated patients was growing in the recent years and it accounted for 75.2%. Indications for surgical treatment were visual, aestetics and stomatognatic disturbances.

In the recent years, an increase in midfacial fractures may be discerned among other types of fractures of maxillofacial area. Thorough radiologic analysis of injuries using up-to-date research methods allows to establish the most efficient method of therapeutical conduct. An appropriate education, observance of traffic as well as health and safety regulations allows to decrease the number and causes of midfacial injuries.
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