Estimation of nutritional status of conscript soldiers from years 1994–2007
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Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Warsaw, Poland
Corresponding author
Anna Kłos   

Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Kozielska 4, 01-163 Warsaw, Poland.
J Pre Clin Clin Res. 2010;4(2):122-125
The aim of this work was estimation of the nutritional status of young men beginning compulsory military service in units located all over Poland. This assessment was carried out in the years 1994-2007. Average age of the examined men living in cities ranged from 19.9±1.6–21.9±1.3. Body mass of the examined subjects ranged from 67.3±9.3 kg – 74.3±7.3 kg, while body height ranged from 175.1±6.6 cm – 179.1±6.3. Average BMI value of recruits coming from both the cities and from the country was similar, and stayed within the normal range. BMI value of men coming from cities ranged from 21.4±2.2 kg/m2 – 23.4±7.5 kg/m2 -while values of those coming from the country ranged from 21.7±2.5 kg/m2 – 23.5±3.1 kg/m2. The occurrence of body mass disturbances, both underweight, overweight and obesity among young men beginning military service is a result of improper eating habits at home. The revealed high percentage of overweight and obese recruits may significantly limit the soldiers’ physical efficiency, and impede both the training process and the possibility of perfect fulfilment of military tasks, and thereby the soldiers’ combat abilities
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