Epidemiological evaluation of fractures of the mandible among country dwellers of the Lublin region, in material of Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic in Lublin, in years 2007-2010
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Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic, Medical University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland
Corresponding author
Jolanta Wojciechowicz   

Wyżynna 17/46, 20-560 Lublin, Poland.
J Pre Clin Clin Res. 2011;5(2):66-69
The aim of the study was determining the relationship between the socio-economic specificity of the Lublin Region in southeast Poland and the amount of injuries to the bony face with special attention devoted to fractures of the mandible, causes of injuries, and the impact of so-called ‘other factors’ to the occurrence of the injury. The Lublin Region constitutes potentially one of the most important agricultural and industrial regions in the country. In relation to the systematically increasing mechanization of agricultural work and the development of cultivations in this area, a great changeability of causes and effects of injuries to the facial skull is being noticed in the group of the rural population. In years 2007-2010 at a Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic at the Medical University in Lublin due to fractures of the bones of the bony face: 1,256 patients were being treated. In this group, fracture of the mandible constituted about 50% of cases. Fracture of the mandible as a result of agricultural work was common with 9% of treated patients, hitting with wood was the most frequent complaint, other included: work with chain or disc saw, fall from a height, and kicked by a farm animal. Analysis of the results of the treatment showed that the most effective procedure for fractures of the mandible is miniplate osteosynthesis with parallel supplying wounds of the bony face.
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