Do and to what extent non-dietary factors affect nutritional habits of men with coronary heart disease?
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Group of Outpatient Specialist Clinics, The Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski Institute of Cardiology, Warsaw, Poland
Department of Dietetics, Faculty of Human Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
Corresponding author
Alicja Solik-Tomassi   

Dep. of Dietetics, Faculty of Human Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Nowoursynowska 159C, 02-776 Warsaw, Poland.
J Pre Clin Clin Res. 2010;4(1):68-73
The aim of the study was to examine whether and to what extent non-dietary factors (such as: sociodemographic and economic factors, factors related to health status, personality features and self-knowledge about the disease as well as adherence to the nutritional recommendation in coronary heart disease (CHD)) aff ect nutrition of men with CHD.

Material and Methods:
The research was carried out in 210 CHD patients aged 40-82 (mean age 63±9 years). All data were collected on the basis of a questionnaire; in the case of personality features, the polish adaptation of the questionnaire NEO-FFI was used. Nutritional habits were analyzed on the basis of 3-day food records. Multifactor analyses were done with log-linear models.

Based on the final model, it could be concluded that nutritional habits of patients were related mostly to self-assessed adherence to dietary recommendation for CHD. Relatively, SES exerted lower influence had SES and the minor influence was observed for patients’ age and openness to experience.

In our study non-dietary factors affected nutritional habits of men with coronary heart disease. However, it should be emphasized that the impact was relatively small. Despite these results, the influence of non-dietary factors on nutritional habits should not be ignored in further studies as they can be a useful tool in dietary counseling.
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