Cryoapplication and laser treatment in oral precancerous lesions – case report and literature review
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Department and Clinic of Maxilofacial Surgery, Medical University, Lublin, Poland
Department of Dental Surgery, Medical University, Lublin, Poland / Student Research Group at the Department of Dental Surgery, Medical University, Lublin, Poland
Corresponding author
Kamila Smala
Student Research Group at the
Department of Dental Surgery, Medical University, Chodźki, 20–093 Lublin, Poland
J Pre Clin Clin Res. 2024;18(4):353-357
Cryoapplication, a rarely used dental technique, freezes lesional tissues to disrupt them at the cellular level. The technique
iss minimally invasive and suitable for specific mucosal lesions, offering a conservative option for oral pre-cancers. Studies
show that cryotherapy is promising for managing pre-cancerous lesions with few complications. Cryogun and cottonswab
cryotherapy effectively regress oral leukoplakia lesions. Cryotherapy advantages include bloodless application and
less scarring potential, making it suitable for mucosal alterations. More research is needed to define indications, optimize
use in oral pre-cancers, and address limitations to enhance outcomes compared to alternatives. This paper presents a case
of treating white rough lesions on a 59-year-old female’s oral mucosa using cryoapplication and laser, and reviews their
efficacy in managing oral leukoplakia and pre-cancerous conditions.
Świątkowski W, Smala K, Bis E, Rahnama-Hezavah M. Cryoapplication and laser treatment in oral precancerous lesions – case report and literature review. J Pre Clin-Clin Res. 2024; 18(4): 353–357. doi: 10.26444/jpccr/195944
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