Characterization of acute adverse-effect profi le of carbamazepine and valproate in the grip-strength test in mice
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Department of Pathophysiology, Medical University, Lublin, Poland; Department of Physiopathology, Institute of Agricultural Medicine, Lublin, Poland
Department of Pathophysiology, Medical University, Lublin, Poland
Department of Physiopathology, Institute of Agricultural Medicine, Lublin, Poland
Corresponding author
Jarogniew J. Łuszczki   

Department of Pathophysiology, Medical University, Jaczewskiego 8, 20-090 Lublin, Poland
J Pre Clin Clin Res. 2008;2(1):46-48
The aim of this study was to assess the acute adverse (neurotoxic) effects of two conventional antiepileptic drugs (carbamazepine and valproate) in the grip-strength test by measuring skeletal muscular strength in mice. Linear regression analysis of dose-response relationship for drug doses and their corresponding skeletal muscular strength allowed the determination of the doses of carbamazepine and valproate that reduced the grip-strength in mice by 50%, as compared to control mice. The experimentally-derived strength reducing dose by 50% for carbamazepine was 80.8 mg/kg, and that for valproate – 501.2 mg/kg. Based on this preclinical study, one can conclude that carbamazepine and valproate reduced in a dose-dependent manner skeletal muscular strength in mice. The grip-strength test can be applied as a paradigm for the evaluation of acute adverse-effect (neurotoxic) profile of drugs with respect to their influence on muscular strength in experimental mice.
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