Benign simulators of melanoma on dermoscopy – black colour does not always indicate melanoma
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The Center For Cancer Prevention and Therapy, Katowice, Poland
Department of Conventional and Intraoperative Radiotherapy Maria Skłodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology Gliwice Branch, Poland
Corresponding author
Grazyna Kaminska-Winciorek   

Department of Conventional and Intraoperative Radiotherapy, Maria Skłodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology Gliwice Branch, Wybrzeze Armii Krajowej 15, 44-101 Gliwice, Poland
J Pre Clin Clin Res. 2013;7(1):6-12
Simulators of malignant melanoma comprise a heterogeneous group of melanocytic and nonmelanocytic lesions of the skin. They are mainly characterized by the occurrence of black or blue-black colors – both in clinical diagnosis as on dermoscopy. Therefore the proper recognition of this cases is extremely needed in daily general practice of many specialties’ doctors.

The aim of the paper is the presentation of the most popular and possible simulators of malignant melanoma which have been accompanied by the occurrence of a black coloring on dermoscopy. This review presents a di¬erential diagnosis of melanoma simulators and malignant melanoma based on Pubmed databes and own clinical experience.

State of knowledge:
Paper reviews main potential benign melanoma-simulators such as melanocytic nevi (black nevus, blue nevus, and Spitz/Reed nevus), neoplasmatic proliferations (pigmented basal cell carcinoma – BCC and Kaposi sarcoma), vascular and hemorrhagic changes (labial venous lake, thrombosed hemangioma, pyogenic granuloma, subcorneal hematoma, and angiokeratoma), hyperkeratotic proliferations (seborrheic keratosis and melanoacanthoma) and miscellaneous (black comedo, cosmetic and posttraumatic tattoos). Authors described the main clinical and dermoscopic features of benign melanoma simulators.

The knowledge about melanoma simulators can reduce the number of surgical procedures and will help not only dermatologists, but also the professionals of other specialties, such as general practitioners, oncologists and also the paediatricians.
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