Autofluorescence image of post-radiation maxillary bone osteonecrosis in a 64-year-old patient – Case Report
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Institute of Dental Surgery, Medical University, Łódź, Poland
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Paweł Milner   

Milner, Institute of Dental Surgery, Medical University, Łódź, Pomorska 251, 92-213 Łódź, Poland
J Pre Clin Clin Res. 2016;10(1):69-72
Maxilliary bone necrosis is often a complication which follows an oncological therapy. The radiated area often shows signs of reduced regenerative function of both soft and hard tissues, which leads frequently to the formation of open healing wounds with protruding bone tissue. The area of these wounds may be often diagnosed with necrosis. The treatment involves surgical removal of the necrotic areas. The VELscope VX, which enables a precise distinction of the necrotic and normal tissue with autofluorescence imaging, has been successfully used for intra-procedural demarcation in patients with maxillary osteonecrosis in several centres in Germany. The paper presents a case of vast post-radiation maxillary osteonecrosis in a 64-year-old patient treated surgically after autofluorescence imaging of the area with VELscope VX tool.

Post-radiation necrosis of the oral cavity bones should be treated surgically as this kind of treatment guarantees the best healing of the wound. The VELscope VX enables demarcation of the normal bone tissue from the necrotic areas which makes the procedure simpler and ensures the sparing of most of the healthy tissue.
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