Analysis of procedures implemented by emergency medical teams in the event of cardiac arrest in the city of Lublin, Poland
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Department of Expert Medical Assistance with Emergency Medicine Unit, Medical University of Lublin, Poland
Public Health student, Medical University of Lublin, Poland
Chair and Department of Trauma Surgery and Emergency Medicine, Medical University of Lublin, Poland
Department of Internal Medicine, Medical University of Lublin, Poland
Corresponding author
Grzegorz Nowicki   

Strzembosza 3A/2, 20-153 Lublin, Poland
J Pre Clin Clin Res. 2014;8(1):13-16
The aim of this study was to present an analysis of emergency teams’ actions in case of cardiac arrest.

Material and Methods:
The studied material consisted of emergency teams’ card records with cases of cardiac arrest during the period 1 January 2010 – 31 December 2010 in the city of Lublin, Poland. The results were subjected to statistical analysis using Statistica for Windows Test 9.0, where a substantial probability was assumed at p <0.005.

The Rescue Emergency Service Station in Lublin provides four specialist teams and seven paramedic teams, ensuring the emergency services in emergency situations. They are established in three substations. During the above-specified period, 280 cases of cardiac arrest were recorded. On average, one ambulance attending incidents including cardiac arrest was dispatched 23 times a month. In addition, a considerately higher rate of such situations was noticed in Autumn and Winter. The great majority of people who experienced cardiac arrest were men – 62%. 44% of the patients were aged 61–80years, 24% aged 46–60 years,18% over 80years of age, 10% aged 31–45 years and 4%aged 18–30. The average age of the patients was 65 years. Moreover, 55% of resuscitations ended successfully. Among the factors taken under consideration were travel time, involvement of witnesses, ventilation when using a bag valve mask, use of an oropharyngeal tube, intubation, oxygen therapy, use of a ventilator, an intravenous line, central venous puncture, intraosseous infusion, and the administration of drugs. The time elapsed before arriving at the scene of the emergency amounted up to 5 minutes. Likewise, the use ofdefibrillation as well as an oropharyngeal tube greatly increased the effectivenessof CPR. Advanced age and asystole were poor prognostic factors. Additionally, witness’s assistance connected with providing First Aid was recorded in 21% of cases.
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