Alternative ways of enriching the human diet with iodine
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Faculty of Food Science and Biotechnology, University of Life Sciences, Lublin, Poland
Faculty of Bioeconomy, University of Life Sciences, Lublin, Poland
Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland
Corresponding author
Anna Krzepiłko   

Faculty of Food Science and Biotechnology, University of Life Sciences, Skromna 8, 20-704 Lublin, Poland
J Pre Clin Clin Res. 2015;9(2):167-171
Based on the literature, this study presents the main problems associated with introducing iodine into food. The problem of iodization of table salt and its use in the production of processed food is analysed. This method of enriching the human diet with iodine is linked to the over-consumption of salt, and thus to the risk of hypertension and kidney disease. Because of the need to reduce consumption of table salt, alternative methods of supplying the body with iodine are gaining in popularity. Described are attempts to fortify foods of plant origin with iodine. One alternative method of enriching food with iodine is the cultivation of plants fertilized with iodine. The results are presented of experiments aimed at the cultivation of vegetables enriched with iodine and analysed methods of iodine fertilization: foliar application, soil application and hydroponic cultures. Also discussed are the problem of the effects of iodine, not only on yield, but also on selected physiological processes taking place in plants which are responsible for the biological quality of the crop.
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