Alcohol consumption patterns in a group of students at the Medical University in Lublin
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Independent Mental Health Unit, Medical University, Lublin, Poland
Corresponding author
Marta Makara-Studzińska   

Independent Mental Health Unit, Medical University, Lublin, Chodźki 15, 20-093 Lublin, Poland.
J Pre Clin Clin Res. 2012;6(1):45-49
In recent years, an increase has been observed in the consumption of alcoholic beverages among students. This phenomenon is alarming, because inadequate patterns of alcohol consumption may lead to many unfavourable health and social changes. Students in medical educational facilities are a specific group considering the type of occupations which they will perform in the future, and by their behaviours they especially should present correct patters of consumption of alcoholic beverages.

The objective of the presented study was determination of the preferred patterns of alcohol consumption in a group of students at the Medical University in Lublin.

Material and Methods:
All students at the Medical University were invited to participate in the survey, i.e. 4,477 full-time course students, by passing information to the heads of the student groups . The survey was conducted from October-December 2009 and covered 700 students. A set of 2 questionnaires was used in the study: AUDIT and the Scale of University Adolescents Behaviours (SUAVB) by M. Makara-Studzińska.

Analysis of the prevalence of the style of alcohol consumption showed that every second student preferred occasional alcohol consumption. The greatest majority of students in the survey who were qualified into the group of occasional drinkers (78.5%) were females. In addition, it was observed that every fourth student preferred to consume alcohol in a risky way, whereas every seventh student preferred to consume alcohol in a harmful way – 13.9% of males and 3.3% of females were qualified into this group.
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