Acceptance of diagnostic and therapeutic methods by married couples treated due to infertility
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Independent Laboratory of Mental Health, Medical University, Lublin, Poland
Department of Psychiatry, Medical University, Lublin, Poland
Department of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Obstetric-Gynaecological Nursing, Medical University, Lublin, Poland
Corresponding author
Artur Wdowiak   

Laboratory of Mental Health, Medical University, Chodźki 15, 20-093 Lublin, Poland
J Pre Clin Clin Res. 2010;4(2):141-144
The objective of the study was evaluation of acceptance of diagnostic and therapeutic methods by married couples treated due to infertility.

Material and Methods:
The study covered 50 married couples beginning treatment and those in the course of diagnosing and treatment of infertility. The research instrument used in the presented study was a questionnaire form designed according to own project. The results obtained were subjected to statistical analysis.

Males who had university or secondary school education level significantly more often accepted individual diagnostic and therapeutic methods for their wives, compared to males with elementary and elementary vocational education. This concerned the procedures such as: laparoscopy, in vitro fertilization, and egg cell donation. A similar relationship was observed among the females examined. In vitro fertilization was more frequently accepted by respondents with higher income. The respondents’ place of residence also exerted an effect on the acceptance of the methods of treatment and diagnostics. Females aged over 35, and those in the age group 30-35, considerably more often accepted treatment with gonadotropins, compared to those aged under 30.

Age and education level are of great importance with respect to the acceptance of individual diagnostic-therapeutic methods by couples treated for infertility. Income obtained by the respondents exerted an effect on their acceptance of selected methods of infertility treatment.
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