A novel biocompatibility test for disperse materials
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Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv, Ukraine
Corresponding author
Sabrie Zinabadinova   

Bogomolets national medical university, 13, T. Shevchenko boulevard, City of Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601
J Pre Clin Clin Res. 2015;9(1):27-29
Development of novel biocompatibility tests represents an urgent problem. Use of chicken embryos minimizes the effect of exogenous factors on the experimental course (as the chicken embryo develops in medium it is almost completely isolated from external effects), enables the observation of physiological and pathological processes in the dynamics and assessment of the response of the body response to various materials in many cell populations.

We aimed to show the possibility of using chicken embryo as a test system for evaluation of the biological effects of powdered materials.

Material and Methods:
In this study, we applied developing chicken embryos produced by incubation of Highline white eggs. Test and control groups (200 embryos in total) were used. Powdered materials were introduced into the embryo yolk sac in the form of suspension in biocompatible dextran (rheopolyglucine).The material was sterilized for 60 min at 120 °С. Two disperse materials, activated charcoal and asbestos powders, were selected to assess the capabilities of the method. Morphological (review, selective histochemical, and electron microscopy) examination methods were applied in testing, which produced the following results.

Model efficacy was confirmed by testing certain substances, such as activated charcoal and asbestos. Faster growth and accelerated development of chicken embryos, the absence of tissue pathological reactions, was indicative of the biocompatibility of activated charcoal. Poor biocompatibility of asbestos was concluded from its multiple teratogenic effects detected for the first time for this material.

The paper contains motivation and experimental data regarding the usability of chicken embryos in integrated testing of disperse material biocompatibility.
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