Treatment of the follicular cyst of the mandible in a pregnant woman – a case study
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Maxillofacial Surgery Department, Medical University of Lublin, Poland
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Anna Gawęda   

Maxillofacial Surgery Department, Medical University of Lublin, Staszica 11, 20-081 Lublin, Poland.
J Pre Clin Clin Res. 2011;5(1):38-40
Follicular cysts are ranked among epithelial, developmental odontogenic lesions of jaw bones. In this study we describe the case of an extensive, follicular cyst of the mandible, originating from the retained third molar in a 28-year old pregnant woman. A two-stage method of treatment was applied on account of the extensiveness of the cyst, the state of pregnancy, confinement, and breastfeeding. Cystectomy was performed 2 years after the first admittance. The long period of decompression of the cyst allowed for normal functioning of the patient during an important part of her life. With the treatment, the hyperplastic process of the lesion was stopped, and in the end, a significant reduction in the size of the cyst and bone reconstruction of the mandible took place. The follicular cyst and tooth 48 were extracted together, without the risk of greater complications.
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