Quercetin: health benefits with relevance to TNF-α-linked inflammatory diseases
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Section for Biochemistry and Physiology, Department of Animal and Veterinary Basic Sciences, Faculty of Life Sciences, Copenhagen University, Denmark
Physiology Division, Birmingham City University, Birmingham, England
Corresponding author
Adrian P. Harrison   

Section for Biochemistry and Physiology, Department of Animal and Veterinary Basic Sciences, Faculty of Life Sciences, Copenhagen University, 1870 Frederiksberg C, Denmark.
J Pre Clin Clin Res. 2008;2(2):97-101
With increasing interest among the general public for using natural and herbal remedies, there is a great need to document and list ancient medical texts and practices, as well as to investigate the efficacy of a number of ‘ancient’ compounds that are currently reputed to have medicinal benefits for such diseases as arthritis, wound healing, cancer, chronic inflammation and cardiovascular disease. With these goals in mind, we have collected evidence for the use of the natural polyphenolic flavonoid quercetin in antiquity, as well as identified modern clinical research showing the efficacy of this compound for human health. Our report not only provides clear evidence for the flavonoid quercetin as an anti-inflammatory, which may well have been used in antiquity to treat arthritic swelling and pain, it also serves to re-educate the general public and scientific community to the fact that natural and herbal remedies can be very efficacious forms of medication, deserving respect.
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